Age is large factor in determining you auto insurance rates. Older drivers have more driving experience and take less risk. This combination usual leads to lower auto insurance rates.

Location is another major factor in how much you for auto insurance. ZIP codes vary in auto insurance rates. Factors such as crime, car theft, amount of traffic and uninsured drivers all impact rates.

Driving History impacts your auto insurance rates more than any other factor. Keeping your record clean of accidents and tickets is key.

Type of Car you drive impacts your auto insurance rates. The replacement cost, theft rates and age of your car all play a role in your annual rates.

Annual Milage is another variable insurance providers take in consideration when calculating insurance rates. The more milage you drive the higher chance of getting into an accident and therefore the higher your car insurance rates will be

Gender is a smaller factor but, in some cases, it does make a difference in your car insurance premiums

Marital Status can impact your car insurance rates. Married drivers have a lower risk profile which could lead to lower annual premiums